Sunday, 14 October 2012

After half term we will be using Shrek2 in visual literacy. We wiil be looking at the character Shrek and using our senses to descibe scenes


I am very excited that I have the opportunity to go to the best football pitch ever !! I will be delighted to set foot in the villa ground.
We will be starting the Villa Vitality programme on 12th October 2012 . On the 7th December we will be going to the Villa ground where some of the activities include cooking, exercises, making a radio show and a tour of the grounds, Children need to wear school uniform and bring PE kit. They will be making their own lunch,

The Year of Faith?

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI announced that the Catholic Church will celebrate a Year of Faith from 11 October 2012 - 24 November 2013.

Opening Mass of the Year of Faith in Rome